
Supporting the President's vision through realization of world-class civil state apparatus.


  1. Monitoring the implementation of core values, code of ethics, code of conduct, neutrality, and implementation of merit system in civil state apparatus policy and management.

  2. Implementing independent, professional, and accountable KASN governance.


The number of unresolved problems and challenges in the agenda of bureaucratic reform have prompted the government and The Indonesian House of Representatives to form the Indonesian Civil Service Commission (KASN).

The formation of KASN in Law No. 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Service (ASN) was approved at the DPR RI plenary meeting on December 19, 2013.

Before passed, the ASN Law had taken quite a long term. The bill itself is an initiative of the DPR ‒ in this case, Commission II of the DPR RI which was submitted to the government in July 2011. Then, in August 2011 the President appointed the Minister of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform, the Minister of Law and Human Rights, and the Minister of Internal Affairs to represent the discussion of the ASN Bill. After agreed in legislation, ASN Law No. 5 was passed on January 15, 2014, by the President.

KASN consists of seven commissioners, two of whom serve as chairman and vice-chairman. The tenure of the KASN commissioners is five years. The first chairman of KASN (2014‒2019 period) was Sofian Effendi with the vice-chairman Irham Dilmy. Meanwhile, five other commissioners are I Made Suwandi, Nuraida Mokhsen, Prijono Tjiptoherijanto, Tasdik Kinanto, and Waluyo.

In accordance with the mandate of the ASN Law, KASN functions to supervise the implementation of basic norms, code of ethics, and code of conduct of ASN, and the implementation of the merit system in ASN policies and management in government agencies. This supervision is to form a professional ASN with integrity.

Meanwhile, implementation of the merit system means changing ASN management to be based on qualifications, competencies, and performance. The merit system will assess individuals fairly, regardless of political background, race, color, religion, origin, gender, marital status, age, or disability conditions.

KASN also has an important task, maintaining the neutrality of ASN employees; supervising the ASN professional development; and reporting the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of ASN management policies to the President. By these tasks, it is hoped that ASN employees can concentrate on their duties and functions in serving the community.

In addition to these tasks, KASN has the authority to supervise every step of the process for filling in the High Leadership Position (JPT). Supervision starts from the formation of agency selection committees, announcing of vacancies, selection, proposing names of candidates, determination, and inauguration of High Leaders.

To carry out its duties, KASN is assisted by the Secretariat. The KASN Secretariat was formed in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 118 of 2014 concerning the Secretariat, HR Systems and Management; and Financial Responsibility and Management of KASN. The Presidential Decree states that the KASN Secretariat is under and responsible to the Chairman of KASN, which is led by the Head of the Secretariat.

The KASN Secretariat carries out five functions, those are:

  1. Preparing materials for the programs drafting, work plans, and KASN activity reports;
  2. Providing administrative support to KASN;
  3. Providing operational technical support to KASN;
  4. Implementing organizational development, personnel administration, finance, facilities, and infrastructure for the KASN Secretariat; and
  5. Collecting, processing, and provide data include compiling activity report of KASN Secreatariat.

Currently, KASN is seven years old. At a relatively young age for an agency, KASN remains committed to carrying out its duties to the fullest.

Salam Inspirasi,


Pasal 31 UU No.5 Tahun 2014
  1. KASN bertugas:
    1. menjaga netralitas Pegawai ASN;

    2. melakukan pengawasan atas pembinaan profesi ASN; dan

    3. melaporkan pengawasan dan evaluasi pelaksanaan kebijakan Manajemen ASN kepada Presiden.

  2. Dalam melakukan tugas sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) KASN dapat:
    1. melakukan penelusuran data dan informasi terhadap pelaksanaan Sistem Merit dalam kebijakan dan Manajemen ASN pada Instansi Pemerintah;

    2. melakukan pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan fungsi Pegawai ASN sebagai pemersatu bangsa;

    3. menerima laporan terhadap pelanggaran norma dasar serta kode etik dan kode perilaku Pegawai ASN;

    4. melakukan penelusuran data dan informasi atas prakarsa sendiri terhadap dugaan pelanggaran norma dasar serta kode etik dan kode perilaku Pegawai ASN; dan

    5. melakukan upaya pencegahan pelanggaran norma dasar serta kode etik dan kode perilaku Pegawai ASN.


KASN berfungsi mengawasi pelaksanaan norma dasar, kode etik dan kode perilaku ASN, serta penerapan sistem merit dalam kebijakan dan manajemen ASN pada instansi pemerintah.


Pasal 32 UU No.5 Tahun 2014
  1. KASN berwenang:
    1. mengawasi setiap tahapan proses pengisian Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi mulai dari pembentukan panitia seleksi instansi, pengumuman lowongan, pelaksanaan seleksi, pengusulan nama calon, penetapan, dan pelantikan Pejabat Pimpinan Tinggi;

    2. mengawasi dan mengevaluasi penerapan asas, nilai dasar serta kode etik dan kode perilaku Pegawai ASN;

    3. meminta informasi dari pegawai ASN dan masyarakat mengenai laporan pelanggaran norma dasar serta kode etik dan kode perilaku Pegawai ASN;

    4. memeriksa dokumen terkait pelanggaran norma dasar serta kode etik dan kode perilaku Pegawai ASN; dan

    5. meminta klarifikasi dan/atau dokumen yang diperlukan dari Instansi Pemerintah untuk pemeriksaan laporan atas pelanggaran norma dasar serta kode etik dan kode perilaku Pegawai ASN.

  2. Dalam melakukan pengawasan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) huruf b, KASN berwenang untuk memutuskan adanya pelanggaran kode etik dan kode perilaku Pegawai ASN.
  3. Hasil pengawasan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) huruf a dan huruf b disampaikan kepada Pejabat Pembina Kepegawaian dan Pejabat yang Berwenang untuk wajib ditindaklanjuti.

Struktur Organisasi
